How to Take the LEAP from Your 9-5
Join me as I share the steps you need to take to help you take the LEAP from your 9-5!
Join me as I share the steps you need to take to help you take the LEAP from your 9-5!
If you’re wondering “who am I?”, “what do I want from my life?” or “what do I want from my career?”, this one is for you. I share the 5 steps to working out what you want, how to work out how to get there and then how to create the life you crave.
When we feel like we’re at rock bottom, it can seem overwhelming but by using these top tips, you’ll find hope… and that will help to spur you on!
It’s the new school year, the seasons are changing and we’re embarking on the last stretch of 2022. So, what are you putting in place to make this an autumn to remember, on your terms? Here are my reflections which might help you…
Throughout our lives, each of us will face a time where we feel like we have a ‘niggle’. If left to fester, these ‘niggles’ can have a negative impact on us, so what can we do to understand the ‘niggle’ and take it’s power away?
This one’s for you if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by your emotions or if you feel like your emotions are (or have been) holding you back and you want to set yourself free.
Have you heard of coaching but you’re not sure what it is, how it works and what it might give you? This blog is for you if you want to know more about coaching in practical terms and how it might help you in your life and career!
Success. A big concept. Something most of us strive towards. And yet, with so many of us wanting more, what does it truly mean to be successful? And how can we find contentment by defining our own version of success?