What are you putting in place to make this an autumn to remember, on your terms?

As the seasons change from summer to autumn, I find I’m in a reflective mood. Partly, I find the prospect of dark evenings and cold mornings a bit off-putting, but also I still feel ‘programmed’ into thinking of September as being the start of the new school year. Anyone else?
When I was a kid, this time of year was the opportunity to stock up on brand new stationery (always brightly coloured!), try on the new school shoes that were just a teeny bit tight, and start to think about how I was going to feel in my new classroom…
As a grown up (not that I feel like one most days), I still see September as a watershed moment- a fresh start, a moment to plan and prepare what the next ‘school term’ is going to bring. So, as we start towards the next chapter of 2022, here are my reflections and aspirations for creating a productive, fulfilling and happy final third of the year.
- Reviewing my goals
Firstly, it’s time to revisit the goals I set myself at the beginning of the year. You may have read my previous blog article from earlier on this year about goal setting that really delivers. One of the elements I recommended in helping you to deliver against your goals is to check in on yourself.
Well, September is a perfect moment to take stock and do that. For me, my goals for 2022 were three-fold:
- Freeze my eggs
- Deliver my business plan aspirations for Pivotal Moments
- Achieve a target weight
When I look back at my goals, I can firmly say I have achieved my first goal- across January to April, I went through an extensive fertility journey and treatment to freeze my eggs and protect my fertility for the future. I’m pleased with the outcome and I’m unreservedly proud of myself for taking on that challenge. I’m also unbelievably grateful for the support from my amazing parents, particularly my magic Mum who embraced the not-so-pleasant task of administering my injections for me. (I’m writing about this process, how it felt, and the emotions it conjures up- so watch this space if you’re interested to know more about this journey). For me, this is a firm TICK in the box for my first goal.
For my second goal, I would class this as being ‘on track’. I take my business planning seriously and I hold myself to account on this in a consistent and clear way. I feel proud and grateful that so many of you have trusted me to be your coach and to support you to build lives for yourselves which are fulfilling and make you happy. I feel honoured and privileged to have had the opportunity to work with so many incredible people, so thank you.
My final goal is definitely the one that needs some TLC! Having gone through so much difficulty and change during the last couple of years (not least the pandemic, but also my divorce, choosing to make a huge career change and set up my business), I’ve been using chocolate and wine as a bit of an emotional crutch. Plus, the hormones that I had for my egg freezing played havoc with my body… so this is it, the final third of the year is going to be my opportunity to focus on my health and wellbeing. This, for me, is about losing the excess weight but MUCH more importantly, it’s about feeling fit, strong and capable. It’s about looking after my body- saying thank you to it for all that it’s got me through and giving it the TLC that it deserves. I’m hoping my jeans will also be a little less snug as a side benefit!!
- Make some plans
I’m someone who thrives on having things to look forward to- whether that’s plans with friends, booking theatre or concert tickets or planning some time away (ideally in the sunshine). For me, looking forward to things is just as good as being in the moment and doing whatever it is that I have planned. So, its time to dust off the bucket list and make some plans.
First up, its some time with my niece and nephew- I’m lucky to have a close relationship with my brother and his family, and I take great delight in my role as Auntie JoJo.
Secondly, I live in Nottingham and we are lucky enough to have some great concert, theatre and sporting venues on our doorstep. So, I’ll be finding out what cool stuff is coming to us and getting those booked in! On the list, I’m sure, will be going to the theatre to see the Book of Mormon and some ice hockey games (not that I really understand what’s happening, but the atmosphere is fab!).
Finally, quality time with my dear friends. I already have a spa weekend booked in, but I think a girly weekend away is on the cards, as are some dinner party plans. There’s nothing more uplifting than having a proper giggle with the girls (in my opinion).
I wonder, what plans might you book in for your final chapter of the year?
- Prepare for the inevitable energy slump
I’m someone who ADORES sunshine, warmth and long days. So, as the nights get darker and the weather gets colder, I notice a slump in energy and motivation. I know I’m not alone and I feel as though I possibly suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). (A self-diagnosis based on Dr Google but I’m rolling with it!).

I’ve tried loads of different things to help me through those darker (literally) days… some have worked, some haven’t (I’m looking at you, Lumie dawn simulation lamps!!). So, rather than being caught out with these feelings this autumn, I intend to be proactive.
Firstly, there’s a mindset shift that I think is helpful here. Instead of fighting how I’m feeling, I’m going to adopt a mindset of being kind to myself. This is how my body reacts, so how can I create an environment that supports this feeling, rather than tries to rail against it? My best friend calls this period her ‘hibernation’ and I love that attitude… It’s OK to want to hibernate, it’s OK to draw the curtains against the cold nights, it’s OK to get the snuggly blanket and binge watch the boxsets… it’s an opportunity for us to recharge.
Secondly, I’ve built a good structure for my week during the summer months- protecting time for my exercise (which builds great momentum and gives me the endorphin rush), booking appointments, meetings and client time when I’m at my best, and getting fresh air at least once a day. These structures will keep me on track during the darker and colder months. If I can find the self-control to stick with these habits in the autumn and winter, I know they will stand me in good stead.
Finally, find ways to inject a little joy. Pausing and taking time to appreciate being in the moment is a coping mechanism that has been very useful to me these last couple of years- it helps me to take stock, to be grateful for what I have and where I’m at, what I’ve achieved, the pleasure I am experiencing and take the joy in the small things. Whether that’s the pleasure of sinking into a hot bubble bath, curling up with a good book or appreciating the essential oils in my room diffuser that create a sense of calm; all of these small things soon add up to create a sense of wellbeing and positivity that is uplifting. For me, this requires taking life at a slightly slower pace and pausing. But before I know it, I’ll be noticing the buds coming on the trees and the first signs of spring…
What about you?
What are you putting in place for the next chapter of 2022? What are you looking forward to? What preparatory measures are you planning on putting in place to have a great final third of the year? What would you like to achieve? What’s your plans to do something, just for you?
If you feel that you’d benefit from a conversation about your what’s next for you or support in creating a plan to build a life that is fulfilling on your terms, do get in touch to arrange a complimentary 30min discovery call to decide if coaching with me could help you get the clarity and confidence that you crave.
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